Give your phone or laptop a second life.
Indispensable support for students in Malawi
There is literally a lack of everything in Malawi. Students can barely afford to pay their college fee and sometimes have to postpone their exams for a year because they cannot pay the exam fee of about €60. It’s Needless to say they cannot afford to buy a new laptop. Some students have no choice but to type their final thesis on a simple smartphone. University study without a laptop is no longer possible in Malawi either. So we are happy to receive your old laptop and sometimes they are also helped by a tablet or IPad.

Most of the population does not have the money to purchase a telephone. But contact with a medical post can literally be life-saving. And through the cell phone, villagers can be informed about church services and where and when fertilizer is for sale, among other things. An old smartphone allows people to surf the Internet and communicate (via WhatsApp) with each other relatively inexpensively.
In Malawi, it is now going around the country like wildfire: The Mzungu (white man) with his efficient cooking stoves is also bringing laptops and phones into the country.
Of course laptops and phones are thoroughly tested by volunteers in the Netherlands and if necessary provided with new batteries. Meanwhile, a small company in Malawi has also been contacted. It turned out that they can perform simple repairs.
Most people in the Netherlands have an old cell phone, smartphone, tablet or laptop lying around somewhere. Everything is welcome.
Distribution is taken care of by our team in Malawi.
Giel de Pooter
Beneluxweg 55
4538AL Terneuzen